Source code for lightweaver.utils

import importlib
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum, auto
from os import path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from astropy import units
from numba import njit
from scipy import special
from scipy.integrate import trapezoid
from weno4 import weno4

import lightweaver.constants as C
from .simd_management import filter_usable_simd_impls

    from .atomic_model import AtomicLine, AtomicModel

[docs] @dataclass class NgOptions: ''' Container for the options related to Ng acceleration. Attributes ---------- Norder : int, optional The order of the acceleration scheme to use (default: 0, i.e. none). Nperiod : int, optional The number of iterations to run between accelerations. Ndelay : int, optional The number of iterations to run before starting acceleration. threshold : float, optional The threshold which all historic iterations (Norder+2) must be below for acceleration. Default, 5e-2 lowerThreshold : float, optional The threshold below which to disable Ng acceleration. Default, 2e-4 ''' Norder: int = 0 Nperiod: int = 0 Ndelay: int = 0 threshold: float = 5e-2 lowerThreshold: float = 2e-4
[docs] class InitialSolution(Enum): ''' Initial solutions to use for atomic populations, either LTE, Zero radiation (not yet supported), or second order escape probability. ''' Lte = auto() Zero = auto() EscapeProbability = auto()
[docs] def voigt_H(a, v): ''' Scalar Voigt profile. Parameters ---------- a : float or array-like The a damping parameter to be used in the Voigt profile. v : float or array-like The position in the line profile in Doppler units. ''' z = (v + 1j * a) return special.wofz(z).real
[docs] @njit def planck(temp, wav): ''' Planck black-body function B_nu(T) from wavelength. Parameters ---------- temp : float or array-like Temperature [K] wav : float or array-like The wavelength at which to compute B_nu [nm]. Returns ------- result : float or array-like B_nu(T) ''' hc_Tkla = C.HC / (C.KBoltzmann * C.NM_TO_M * wav) / temp twohnu3_c2 = (2.0 * C.HC) / (C.NM_TO_M * wav)**3 return twohnu3_c2 / (np.exp(hc_Tkla) - 1.0)
[docs] def gaunt_bf(wvl, nEff, charge) -> float: ''' Gaunt factor for bound-free transitions, from Seaton (1960), Rep. Prog. Phys. 23, 313, as used in RH. Parameters ---------- wvl : float or array-like The wavelength at which to compute the Gaunt factor [nm]. nEff : float Principal quantum number. charge : float Charge of free state. Returns ------- result : float or array-like Gaunt factor for bound-free transitions. ''' # /* --- M. J. Seaton (1960), Rep. Prog. Phys. 23, 313 -- ----------- */ # Copied from RH, ensuring vectorisation support x = C.HC / (wvl * C.NM_TO_M) / (C.ERydberg * charge**2) x3 = x**(1.0/3.0) nsqx = 1.0 / (nEff**2 *x) return 1.0 + 0.1728 * x3 * (1.0 - 2.0 * nsqx) - 0.0496 * x3**2 \ * (1.0 - (1.0 - nsqx) * (2.0 / 3.0) * nsqx)
[docs] class ConvergenceError(Exception): ''' Raised by some iteration schemes, can also be used in user code. ''' pass
[docs] class ExplodingMatrixError(Exception): ''' Raised by the linear system matrix solver in the case of unsolvable systems. ''' pass
[docs] def get_code_location(): ''' Returns the directory containing the Lightweaver Python source. ''' directory, _ = path.split(path.realpath(__file__)) return directory
[docs] def get_data_path(): ''' Returns the location of the Lightweaver support data. ''' return path.join(get_code_location(), 'Data') + path.sep
[docs] def get_default_molecule_path(): ''' Returns the location of the default molecules taken from RH. ''' return path.join(get_code_location(), 'Data', 'DefaultMolecules') + path.sep
[docs] def filter_fs_iter_libs(libs: Sequence[str], exts: Sequence[str]) -> Sequence[str]: ''' Filter a list of libraries (e.g. SimdImpl_{SimdType}.{pep3149}.so) with a valid collection of extensions. (As .so is a valid extension, we can't just check the end of the file name). ''' result = [] for libName in libs: libPrefix = libName.split('.')[0] for ext in exts: if libPrefix + ext == libName: result.append(libName) return result
[docs] def get_fs_iter_libs() -> Sequence[str]: ''' Returns the paths of the default FsIterationScheme libraries usable on the current machine (due to available SIMD optimisations -- these are detected by NumPy). ''' validExts = importlib.machinery.EXTENSION_SUFFIXES iterSchemesDir = path.join(get_code_location(), 'DefaultIterSchemes') schemes = [path.join(iterSchemesDir, x) for x in filter_usable_simd_impls( filter_fs_iter_libs(os.listdir(iterSchemesDir), validExts) )] return schemes
[docs] def vac_to_air(wavelength: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: ''' Convert vacuum wavelength to air. Parameters ---------- wavelength : float or array-like or astropy.Quantity If no units then the wavelength is assumed to be in [nm], otherwise the provided units are used. Returns ------- result : float or array-like or astropy.Quantity The converted wavelength in [nm]. ''' # NOTE(cmo): Moved this import here as it's very slow ### HACK from specutils.utils.wcs_utils import vac_to_air as spec_vac_to_air return spec_vac_to_air(wavelength << units.nm, method='edlen1966').value
[docs] def air_to_vac(wavelength: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: ''' Convert air wavelength to vacuum. Parameters ---------- wavelength : float or array-like or astropy.Quantity If no units then the wavelength is assumed to be in [nm], otherwise the provided units are used. Returns ------- result : float or array-like or astropy.Quantity The converted wavelength in [nm]. ''' # NOTE(cmo): Moved this import here as it's very slow ### HACK from specutils.utils.wcs_utils import air_to_vac as spec_air_to_vac return spec_air_to_vac(wavelength << units.nm, scheme='iteration', method='edlen1966').value
[docs] def convert_specific_intensity(wavelength: np.ndarray, specInt: np.ndarray, outUnits) -> units.quantity.Quantity: ''' Convert a specific intensity between different units. Parameters ---------- wavelength : np.ndarray or astropy.Quantity If no units are provided then this is assumed to be in nm. specInt : np.ndarray or astropy.Quantity If no units are provided then this is assumed to be in J/s/m2/sr/Hz, the default for Lightweaver. outUnits : str or astropy.Unit The units to convert specInt to e.g. 'erg/s/cm2/sr/Angstrom' Returns ------- result : astropy.Quantity specInt converted to the desired units. ''' if not isinstance(wavelength, units.Quantity): wavelength = wavelength << units.nm if not isinstance(specInt, units.Quantity): specInt = specInt << units.J / units.s / units.m**2 / / units.Hz return, equivalencies=units.spectral_density(wavelength))
[docs] class CrswIterator: ''' Basic iterator to be used for controlling the scale of the collisional radiative switching (of Hummer & Voels) multiplicative paramter. Can be inherited to provide different behaviour. By default starts from a factor of 1e3 and scales this factor by 0.1**(1.0/value) each iteration, as is the default behaviour in RH. ''' def __init__(self, initVal=1e3): self.val = initVal def __call__(self): self.val = max(1.0, self.val * 0.1**(1.0/self.val)) return self.val
[docs] class UnityCrswIterator(CrswIterator): ''' A specific case representing no collisional radiative switching (i.e. parameter always 1). ''' def __init__(self): super().__init__(1.0) def __call__(self): return self.val
[docs] def sequence_repr(x: Sequence) -> str: ''' Uniform representation of arrays and lists as lists for use in round-tripping AtomicModels. ''' if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return repr(x.tolist()) return repr(x)
[docs] def view_flatten(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: ''' Return a flattened view over an array, will raise an Exception if it cannot be represented as a flat array without copy. ''' y = x.view() y.shape = (x.size,) return y
[docs] def check_shape_exception(a: np.ndarray, shape: Union[int, Tuple[int]], ndim: Optional[int]=1, name: Optional[str]='array'): ''' Ensure that an array matches the expected number of dimensions and shape. Raise a ValueError if not, quoting the array's name (if provided) Parameters ---------- a : np.ndarray The array to verify. shape : int or Tuple[int] The length (for a 1D array), or shape for a multi-dimensional array. ndim : int, optional The expected number of dimensions (default: 1) name : str, optional The name to in any exception (default: array) ''' if isinstance(shape, int): shape = (shape,) if a.ndim != ndim: raise ValueError(f'Array ({name}) does not have the expected number ' f'of dimensions: {ndim} (got: {a.ndim}).') if a.shape != shape: raise ValueError(f'Array ({name}) does not have the expected shape: ' f'{shape} (got: {a.shape}).')
[docs] def compute_radiative_losses(ctx) -> np.ndarray: ''' Compute the radiative gains and losses for each wavelength in the grid used by the context. Units of J/s/m3/Hz. Includes background/contributions from overlapping lines. Convention of positive => radiative gain, negative => radiative loss. Parameters ---------- ctx : Context A context with full depth-dependent data (i.e. ctx.depthData.fill = True set before the most recent formal solution). Returns ------- loss : np.ndarray The radiative gains losses for each depth and wavelength in the simulation. ''' atmos = ctx.kwargs['atmos'] chiTot = ctx.depthData.chi S = (ctx.depthData.eta + ( * ctx.spect.J)[:, None, None, :]) / chiTot Idepth = ctx.depthData.I loss = ((chiTot * (S - Idepth)) * 0.5).sum(axis=2).transpose(0, 2, 1) @ atmos.wmu return loss
[docs] def integrate_line_losses(ctx, loss : np.ndarray, lines : Union['AtomicLine', Sequence['AtomicLine']], extendGridNm: float=0.0) -> Union[Sequence[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]: ''' Integrate the radiative gains and losses over the band associated with a line or list of lines. Units of J/s/m3. Includes background/contributions from overlapping lines. Convention of positive => radiative gain, negative => radiative loss. Parameters ---------- ctx : Context A context with the full depth-dependent data (i.e. ctx.depthData.fill = True set before the most recent formal solution). loss : np.ndarray The radiative gains/losses for each wavelength and depth computed by `compute_radiative_losses`. lines : AtomicLine or list of AtomicLine The lines for which to compute losses. extendGridNm : float, optional Set this to a positive value to add an additional point at each end of the integration range to include a wider continuum/far-wing contribution. Units: nm, default: 0.0. Returns ------- linesLosses : array or list of array The radiative gain/losses per line at each depth. ''' from .atomic_model import AtomicLine if isinstance(lines, AtomicLine): lines = [lines] spect = ctx.kwargs['spect'] lineLosses = [] for line in lines: transId = line.transId grid = spect.transWavelengths[transId] blueIdx = spect.blueIdx[transId] blue = ctx.spect.wavelength[blueIdx] redIdx = blueIdx + grid.shape[0] red = ctx.spect.wavelength[redIdx-1] if extendGridNm != 0.0: wav = np.concatenate(((blue-extendGridNm,), ctx.spect.wavelength[blueIdx:redIdx], (red+extendGridNm,))) else: wav = ctx.spect.wavelength[blueIdx:redIdx] # NOTE(cmo): There's a sneaky transpose going on here for the integration lineLoss = np.zeros((loss.shape[1], wav.shape[0])) for k in range(loss.shape[1]): lineLoss[k, :] = weno4(wav, ctx.spect.wavelength, loss[:, k]) lineLosses.append(trapezoid(lineLoss, (wav << units.nm).to(units.Hz, equivalencies=units.spectral()).value) ) return lineLosses[0] if len(lineLosses) == 1 else lineLosses
[docs] def compute_contribution_fn(ctx, mu : int=-1, outgoing : bool=True) -> np.ndarray: ''' Computes the contribution function for all wavelengths in the simulation, for a chosen angular index. Parameters ---------- ctx : Context A context with the full depth-dependent data (i.e. ctx.depthData.fill = True set before the most recent formal solution). mu : Optional[int] The angular index to use (corresponding to the order of the angular quadratures in atmosphere), default: -1. outgoing : Optional[bool] Whether to compute the contribution for outgoing or incoming radiation (wrt to the atmosphere). Default: outgoing==True, i.e. to observer. Returns ------- cfn : np.ndarray The contribution function in terms of depth and wavelength. ''' upDown = 1 if outgoing else 0 tau = np.zeros_like(ctx.depthData.chi[:, mu, upDown, :]) chi = ctx.depthData.chi atmos = ctx.kwargs['atmos'] # NOTE(cmo): Compute tau for all wavelengths tau[:, 0] = 1e-20 for k in range(1, tau.shape[1]): tau[:, k] = tau[:, k-1] + 0.5 * (chi[:, mu, upDown, k] + chi[:, mu, upDown, k-1]) \ * (atmos.height[k-1] - atmos.height[k]) # NOTE(cmo): Source function. Sfn = ((ctx.depthData.eta + ( * ctx.spect.J)[:, None, None, :]) / chi) # NOTE(cmo): Contribution function for all wavelengths. cfn = ctx.depthData.chi[:, mu, upDown, :] / atmos.muz[mu] \ * np.exp(-tau / atmos.muz[mu]) * Sfn[:, mu, upDown, :] return cfn
[docs] def compute_wavelength_edges(ctx) -> np.ndarray: ''' Compute the edges of the wavelength bins associated with the wavelength array used in a simulation, typically used in conjunction with a plot using pcolormesh. Parameters ---------- ctx : Context The context from which to construct the wavelength edges. Returns ------- wlEdges : np.ndarray The edges of the wavelength bins. ''' wav = ctx.spect.wavelength wlEdges = np.concatenate(((wav[0] - 0.5 * (wav[1] - wav[0]),), 0.5 * (wav[1:] + wav[:-1]), (wav[-1] + 0.5 * (wav[-1] - wav[-2]),) )) return wlEdges
[docs] def compute_height_edges(ctx) -> np.ndarray: ''' Compute the edges of the height bins associated with the stratified altitude array used in a simulation, typically used in conjunction with a plot using pcolormesh. Parameters ---------- ctx : Context The context from which to construct the height edges. Returns ------- heightEdges : np.ndarray The edges of the height bins. ''' atmos = ctx.kwargs['atmos'] heightEdges = np.concatenate(((atmos.height[0] + 0.5 * (atmos.height[0] - atmos.height[1]),), 0.5 * (atmos.height[1:] + atmos.height[:-1]), (atmos.height[-1] - 0.5 * (atmos.height[-2] - atmos.height[-1]),))) return heightEdges