from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from numba import njit
from parse import parse
import lightweaver.constants as Const
from .atomic_table import Element, PeriodicTable
# TODO(cmo): This should really be done with a generator/coroutine
def get_next_line(data: List[str]) -> Optional[str]:
if len(data) == 0:
return None
for i, d in enumerate(data):
if d.strip().startswith('#') or d.strip() == '':
d = data[i]
if i == len(data) - 1:
data[:] = []
return d.strip()
data[:] = data[i+1:]
return d.strip()
def get_constituent(name: str) -> Tuple[int, str]:
res = parse('{:d}{!s}', name)
if res is None:
constituent = (1, name)
constituent = (res[0], res[1])
return constituent
def equilibrium_constant_kurucz_70(tempRange, mk, Ediss, eqc):
minTemp = tempRange[0]
maxTemp = tempRange[1]
kB = Const.KBoltzmann
CM_TO_M = Const.CM_TO_M
def kurucz_70(T):
if T < minTemp or T > maxTemp:
return 0.0
kT = kB * T
eq = eqc[0]
for i in range(1, eqc.shape[0]):
eq = eq * T + eqc[i]
arg = Ediss / kT + eq - 1.5 * mk * np.log(T)
eq = np.exp(arg)
return eq * (CM_TO_M**3)**mk
return kurucz_70
def equilibrium_constant_kurucz_85(tempRange, mk, Ediss, eqc):
minTemp = tempRange[0]
maxTemp = tempRange[1]
kB = Const.KBoltzmann
CM_TO_M = Const.CM_TO_M
def kurucz_85(T):
if T < minTemp or T > maxTemp:
return 0.0
t = T * 1e-4
kT = kB * T
eq = eqc[0]
for i in range(1, eqc.shape[0]):
eq = eq * t + eqc[i]
eq = np.exp(Ediss / kT + eq - 1.5 * mk * np.log(T))
return eq * (CM_TO_M**3)**mk
return kurucz_85
def equilibrium_constant_sauval_tatum(tempRange, Ediss, eqc):
minTemp = tempRange[0]
maxTemp = tempRange[1]
kB = Const.KBoltzmann
CM_TO_M = Const.CM_TO_M
THETA0 = Const.Theta0
Ediss = Ediss / Const.EV
def sauval_tatum(T):
if T < minTemp or T > maxTemp:
return 0.0
theta = THETA0 / T
t = np.log10(theta)
kT = kB * T
eq = eqc[0]
for i in range(1, eqc.shape[0]):
eq = eq * t + eqc[i]
eq = 10**(Ediss * theta - eq) * kT
return eq
return sauval_tatum
class Molecule:
Simple class for working with RH molecule definitions.
filePath : str
Path from which to load molecular data. Use
`get_default_molecule_path` for the path to the default RH
distribution of molecule files (C2, CH, CN, CO, CaH, H2+, H2, H2O,
HF, LiH, MgH, N2, NH, NO, O2, OH, SiO, TiO) all of which have the
'.molecule' extension.
def __init__(self, filePath: str):
with open(filePath, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
l = get_next_line(lines) = l
l = get_next_line(lines)
self.charge = int(l)
if self.charge < 0 or self.charge > 1:
raise ValueError(('Only neutral or singly charged positive molecules '
'are allowed (%s)') %
structure = get_next_line(lines)
constituents = [get_constituent(s.strip()) for s in structure.split(',')]
self.elements = [PeriodicTable[c[1]] for c in constituents]
self.elementCount = [c[0] for c in constituents]
self.Nnuclei = sum(self.elementCount)
l = get_next_line(lines)
self.Ediss = float(l) * Const.EV
fitStr = get_next_line(lines)
self.formationTempRange = [float(f) for f in get_next_line(lines).split()]
if len(self.formationTempRange) != 2:
raise ValueError("Expected two entries for formation temperature range (%s)"
pfCoeffs = get_next_line(lines).split()
Npf = int(pfCoeffs[0].strip())
if len(pfCoeffs) != Npf+1:
raise ValueError("Unexpected number of partition function fit parameters (%s)"
self.pfCoeffs = np.array([float(f.strip()) for f in pfCoeffs[1:]][::-1])
eqcCoeffs = get_next_line(lines).split()
Neqc = int(eqcCoeffs[0].strip())
if len(eqcCoeffs) != Neqc+1:
raise ValueError(("Unexpected number of equilibrium coefficient "
"fit parameters (%s)") %
self.eqcCoeffs = np.array([float(f.strip()) for f in eqcCoeffs[1:]][::-1])
self.weight = 0.0
for count, ele in zip(self.elementCount, self.elements):
self.weight += count * ele.mass
if fitStr == 'KURUCZ_70':
self.equilibrium_constant = equilibrium_constant_kurucz_70(
self.Nnuclei - 1 - self.charge,
self.Ediss, self.eqcCoeffs)
elif fitStr == 'KURUCZ_85':
self.equilibrium_constant = equilibrium_constant_kurucz_85(
self.Nnuclei - 1 - self.charge,
self.Ediss, self.eqcCoeffs)
elif fitStr == 'SAUVAL_TATUM_84':
self.equilibrium_constant = equilibrium_constant_sauval_tatum(
self.Ediss, self.eqcCoeffs)
raise ValueError(('Unknown molecular equilibrium constant fit '
'method %s in molecule %s') % (fitStr,
class MolecularTable:
Stores a set of molecular models, can be indexed by model name to return
the associated model (as a string).
def __init__(self, paths: Optional[List[str]]=None):
self.molecules: List[Molecule] = []
if paths is None:
self.indices = OrderedDict()
for path in paths:
self.indices = OrderedDict(zip([ for m in self.molecules],
def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> Molecule:
name = name.upper()
return self.molecules[self.indices[name]]
def __contains__(self, name: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], str, Element]) -> bool:
if type(name) is not str:
return False
name = name.upper() # type: ignore
return name in self.indices.keys()
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.molecules)
def __iter__(self) -> 'MolecularTableIterator':
return MolecularTableIterator(self)
class MolecularTableIterator():
def __init__(self, table: MolecularTable):
self.table = table
self.index = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.index < len(self.table):
mol = self.table.molecules[self.index]
self.index += 1
return mol
raise StopIteration