from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List
from . import Context
class IterationUpdate:
Stores the results of an iteration of one of the backend functions, and
determines how to format this for printing. All changes refer to relative
ctx : Context
The context with which this update is associated.
crsw : float
The current value of the collisional radiative switching parameter.
updatedJ : bool
Whether the iteration affected the global J grid.
dJMax : float
The maximum change in J.
dJMaxIdx : int
The index of the maximum change of J in a flattened array of J.
updatedPops : bool
Whether the active atomic populations were modified by the iteration.
dPops : List[float]
The maximum change in each active population.
dPopsMaxIdx : List[int]
The location of the maximum change in each population in the flattened
population array.
ngAccelerated : List[bool]
Whether the atomic populations were modified by Ng Acceleration (per species, due to thresholding).
updatedNe : bool
Whether the electron density in the atmosphere was affected by the iteration.
dNeMax : float
The maximum change in the electron density.
dNeMaxIdx : int
The location of the maximum change in the electron density array.
updatedRho : bool
Whether the iteration affected the value of rhoPrd on PRD lines.
NprdSubIter : int
The number of PRD sub-iterations taken (if multiple),
dRho : List[float]
The maximum change in rho for each spectral line treated with PRD, in
the order of the lines on each activeAtom. These values are repeated for
each sub-iteration < NprdSubIter.
dRhoMaxIdx : List[int]
The location of the maximum change in rho for each PRD line.
updatedJPrd : bool
Whether the PRD iteration affected J.
dJPrdMax : float
The maximum change in J during each PRD sub-iteration.
dJPrdMaxIdx : int
The location of the maximum change in J for each PRD sub-iteration.
dPopsMax : float
The maximum population change (including ne) over the iteration
(read-only property).
dRhoMax : float
The maximum change in the PRD rho value for any line in the final
subiteration (read-only property).
ctx: 'Context'
crsw: float = 1.0
updatedJ: bool = False
dJMax: float = 0.0
dJMaxIdx: int = 0
updatedPops: bool = False
dPops: List[float] = field(default_factory=list)
dPopsMaxIdx: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
ngAccelerated: List[bool] = field(default_factory=list)
updatedNe: bool = False
dNeMax: float = 0.0
dNeMaxIdx: int = 0
updatedRho: bool = False
NprdSubIter: int = 0
dRho: List[float] = field(default_factory=list)
dRhoMaxIdx: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
updatedJPrd: bool = False
dJPrdMax: List[float] = field(default_factory=list)
dJPrdMaxIdx: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
def dPopsMax(self) -> float:
if len(self.dPops) == 0:
if self.updatedNe:
return self.dNeMax
return 0.0
result = max(self.dPops)
if self.updatedNe:
result = max(result, self.dNeMax)
return result
def dRhoMax(self) -> float:
if self.NprdSubIter == 0:
return 0.0
finalSubIterStart = (self.NprdSubIter - 1) * self.ctx.kwargs['spect'].NprdTrans
return max(self.dRho[finalSubIterStart:])
def compact_representation(self):
Produce a compact string representation of the object (similar to
Lightweaver < v0.8).
chunks = []
if self.crsw != 1.0:
chunks.append(f'CRSW: {self.crsw:.2e}')
if self.updatedJ:
chunks.append(f'dJ = {self.dJMax:.2e}')
if self.updatedPops:
for idx, delta in enumerate(self.dPops):
atomName = self.ctx.activeAtoms[idx]
accel = ' (accelerated)' if self.ngAccelerated[idx] else ''
chunks.append(f' {atomName} delta = {delta:6.4e}{accel}')
if self.updatedNe:
delta = self.dNeMax
chunks.append(f' ne delta = {delta:6.4e}')
if self.updatedRho:
iterCount = self.NprdSubIter
dRhoMax = self.dRhoMax
chunks.append(f' PRD dRho = {dRhoMax:.2e}, (sub-iterations: {iterCount})')
return '\n'.join(chunks)