Source code for lightweaver.atomic_table

import pickle
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Tuple, Union
from xdrlib import Unpacker

import numpy as np

import lightweaver.constants as Const
from .utils import get_data_path

    from .atmosphere import Atmosphere

[docs] class Element: ''' A simple value comparable description of an element (just proton number Z), that can be quickly and easily compared, whilst allowing access to things from the periodic table. ''' def __init__(self, Z: int): self.Z = Z def __hash__(self): return hash(self.Z) def __eq__(self, other): return self.Z == other.Z def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Isotope): return self.Z <= other.Z return self.Z < other.Z def __repr__(self): return 'Element(Z=%d)' % self.Z def __str__(self): return '%s(Z=%d)' % (, self.Z) @property def mass(self): ''' Returns the mass of the element in AMU. ''' return PeriodicTable.massData[self.Z] @property def name(self): ''' Returns the name of the element as a string. ''' return PeriodicTable.nameMapping[self.Z]
[docs] class Isotope(Element): ''' A simple value comparable isotope description, inheriting from Element. ''' def __init__(self, N, Z): super().__init__(Z) self.N = N def __hash__(self): return hash((self.N, self.Z)) def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is Isotope: return self.N == other.N and self.Z == other.Z return False def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Isotope): return (self.Z, self.N) < (other.Z, other.N) elif type(other) is Element: return self.Z < other.Z return False def __repr__(self): return 'Isotope(N=%d, Z=%d)' % (self.N, self.Z) def __str__(self): return '%s(N=%d, Z=%d)' % (self.element_name, self.N, self.Z) @property def mass(self): ''' Returns the mass of the isotope in AMU. ''' return PeriodicTable.massData[(self.N, self.Z)] @property def name(self): ''' Returns the name of the isotope as a string. ''' # NOTE(cmo): Handle H isotopes if self.Z == 1 and self.N != 1: return PeriodicTable.nameMapping[(self.N, self.Z)] baseName = self.element_name return '^%d_%s' % (self.N, baseName) @property def element(self): ''' Returns the underlying Element of which this isotope is a family member. ''' return PeriodicTable[self.Z] @property def element_mass(self): ''' Returns the average mass of the element. ''' return super().mass @property def element_name(self): ''' Returns the name of the Element as a string. ''' return super().name
[docs] def load_periodic_table_data(): ''' Internal use function to load data from the AtomicMassesNames.pickle data file. ''' path = get_data_path() + 'AtomicMassesNames.pickle' with open(path, 'rb') as pkl: massData, nameMapping = pickle.load(pkl) # NOTE(cmo): Manually change names to D and T for H isotopes nameMapping[(2, 1)] = 'D' nameMapping['D'] = (2, 1) nameMapping[(3, 1)] = 'T' nameMapping['T'] = (3, 1) # NOTE(cmo): Compute list of isotopes for each eleemnt. # This can definitely be done more efficiently, but it probably doesn't # matter. (~5 ms, done once, on startup, from timeit) isotopes = {} elements = {} for target in massData: if isinstance(target, tuple): continue element = Element(Z=target) elements[target] = element isotopes[element] = [] for key in massData: if isinstance(key, int): continue if key[1] == target: N, Z = key[0], element.Z iso = Isotope(N=N, Z=Z) isotopes[element].append(iso) elements[(N, Z)] = iso return massData, nameMapping, isotopes, elements
[docs] def normalise_atom_name(n: str) -> str: ''' Normalises Element names to be two characters long with an uppercase first letter, and lower case second, or a space in the case of single character names. Parameters ---------- n : str The name to normalise. Returns ------- result : str The normalised name. ''' strlen = len(n) if strlen > 2 or strlen == 0: raise ValueError('%s does not represent valid Element name' % n) elif strlen == 1: return n[0].upper() else: return n[0].upper() + n[1].lower()
[docs] class PeriodicTableData: ''' Container and accessor for the periodic table data. Not intended to be instantiated by users, instead use the pre-instantiated PeriodicTable instance. ''' massData, nameMapping, isos, elems = load_periodic_table_data() def __getitem__(self, x: Union[str, int, Tuple[int, int], Element]) -> Element: ''' Allows access to the associated Element or Isotope via a variety of means. If input is - an Element or Isotope, then this function returns it. - an int, then this function returns the element with associated proton number. - a tuple of ints, then this function returns the element with associated (Z, N) - a str starting with '^' then the str is parsed as an isotope in the form ^N_AtomName' and the associated Isotope is returned. - any other str, then the str is parsed as a one or two character atom identifier (e.g. H or Ca) and the associated Element is returned. ''' if isinstance(x, Element): return x if isinstance(x, int): try: return self.elems[x] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Unable to find Element with Z=%d' % x) if isinstance(x, tuple) and all(isinstance(y, int) for y in x): try: return self.elems[x] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Unable to find Isotope with (N=%d, Z=%d)' % x) if isinstance(x, str): x = x.strip() if x.startswith('^'): terms = x[1:].split('_') if len(terms) != 2: raise KeyError('Unable to parse Isotope string %s' % x) N = int(terms[0]) name = normalise_atom_name(terms[1]) try: Z = self.nameMapping[name] return self.elems[(N, Z)] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Unable to find Isotope from string %s' % x) else: name = normalise_atom_name(x) try: Z = self.nameMapping[name] return self.elems[Z] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Unable to find Element with name %s' % name) raise KeyError('Cannot find element from %s' % repr(x))
[docs] @classmethod def get_isotopes(cls, e: Element) -> List[Isotope]: ''' Get all isotopes associated with a certain Element. ''' if not isinstance(e, Element): raise ValueError('Requires Element as first argument, got %s' % repr(e)) if isinstance(e, Isotope): return cls.isos[e.element] return cls.isos[e]
@property def elements(self): ''' Return a sorted list of Elements by proton number Z. ''' return sorted([e for _, e in self.elems.items() if type(e) is Element]) @property def isotopes(self): ''' Return a sorted list of Isotopes by proton number Z. ''' return sorted([e for _, e in self.elems.items() if type(e) is Isotope]) @property def nuclides(self): ''' Return a list of all nuclides (Elements and Isotopes). ''' return self.elements + self.isotopes
PeriodicTable = PeriodicTableData()
[docs] class AtomicAbundance: ''' Container and accessor for atomic abundance data. This can be instantiated with a subset of atomic abundances, which will be used in conjunction with the the default values for non-specified elements. Parameters ---------- abundanceData : dict, optional Contains the abundance data to override. For elements this should be dict[Element] = abundance, and for isotopes dict[Isotope] = isotope fraction. abundDex : bool, optional Whether the supplied abundance is in dex (with Hydrogen abundance of 12.0) or in relative Hydrogen abundance (default: True i.e. in dex). metallicity : float, optional Enhance the metallic abundance by a factor of 10**metallicity, (default: 0.0). ''' def __init__(self, abundanceData: dict=None, abundDex=True, metallicity: float=0.0): self.abundance = self.load_default_abundance_data() # NOTE(cmo): Default abundances always in dex self.dex_to_decimal(self.abundance) if abundanceData is not None: if abundDex: self.dex_to_decimal(abundanceData) self.abundance.update(abundanceData) self.metallicity = metallicity if metallicity != 0.0: self.apply_metallicity(self.abundance, metallicity) self.isotopeProportions = {iso: v for iso, v in self.abundance.items() if type(iso) is Isotope} self.convert_isotopes_to_abundances() self.compute_stats()
[docs] def convert_isotopes_to_abundances(self): ''' Converts the isotope fractions to relative Hydrogen abundance. ''' for e in PeriodicTable.elements: totalProp = 0.0 isos = PeriodicTable.get_isotopes(e) for iso in isos: totalProp += self.abundance[iso] for iso in isos: if totalProp != 0.0: self.abundance[iso] /= totalProp self.abundance[iso] *= self.abundance[e]
[docs] def compute_stats(self): ''' Compute the total abundance (totalAbundance), mass per H atom (massPerH), and average mass per Element (avgMass). ''' totalAbund = 0.0 avgMass = 0.0 for e in PeriodicTable.elements: totalAbund += self.abundance[e] avgMass += self.abundance[e] * e.mass self.totalAbundance = totalAbund self.massPerH = avgMass self.avgMass = avgMass / totalAbund
def __getitem__(self, x: Union[str, int, Tuple[int, int], Element]) -> float: ''' Returns the abundance of the requested Element or Isotope. All forms of describing these are accepted as the PeriodicTable is invoked. ''' return self.abundance[PeriodicTable[x]]
[docs] def get_primary_isotope(self, x: Element) -> Isotope: ''' Returns the Isotope with the highest abundance of a particular Element. ''' isos = PeriodicTable.get_isotopes(x) maxIso = isos[0] maxAbund = self[maxIso] for iso in isos[1:]: if (abund := self[iso]) > maxAbund: maxAbund = abund maxIso = iso return iso
[docs] @staticmethod def dex_to_decimal(abunds): ''' Used to convert from absolute abundance in dex to relative fractional abundance. ''' for e, v in abunds.items(): if type(e) is Element: abunds[e] = 10**(v - 12.0)
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_metallicity(abunds, metallicity): ''' Used to adjust the metallicity of the abundances, by a fraction 10**metallicity. ''' m = 10**metallicity for e, v in abunds.items(): if type(e) is Element and e.Z > 2: abunds[e] *= m
[docs] @staticmethod def load_default_abundance_data() -> dict: """ Load the default abundances and convert to required format for AtomicAbundance class (i.e. dict where dict[Element] = abundance, and dict[Isotope] = isotope fraction). """ with open(get_data_path() + 'AbundancesAsplund09.pickle', 'rb') as pkl: abundances = pickle.load(pkl) lwAbundances = {} for ele in abundances: Z = ele['elem']['elem']['Z'] abund = ele['elem']['abundance'] lwAbundances[PeriodicTable[Z]] = abund for iso in ele['isotopes']: N = iso['N'] prop = iso['proportion'] lwAbundances[PeriodicTable[(N, Z)]] = prop for e in PeriodicTable.nuclides: if e not in lwAbundances: lwAbundances[e] = 0.0 return lwAbundances
DefaultAtomicAbundance = AtomicAbundance()
[docs] @dataclass class KuruczPf: ''' Storage and functions relating to Bob Kurucz's partition functions. Based on the data used in RH. Attributes ---------- element : Element The element associated with this partition funciton. abundance : float The abundance of this element. Tpf : np.ndarray The temperature grid on which the partition function is defined. pf : np.ndarray The partition function data. ionPot : np.ndarray The ionisation potential of each level. ''' element: Element abundance: float Tpf: np.ndarray pf: np.ndarray ionPot: np.ndarray
[docs] def lte_ionisation(self, atmos: 'Atmosphere') -> np.ndarray: ''' Compute the population of the species in each ionisation stage in a given atmosphere. Parameters ---------- atmos : Atmosphere The atmosphere in which to compute the populations. Returns ------- pops : np.ndarray The LTE ionisation populations [Nstage x Nspace]. ''' Nstage = self.ionPot.shape[0] Nspace = atmos.Nspace C1 = (Const.HPlanck / (2.0 * np.pi * Const.MElectron)) * Const.HPlanck / Const.KBoltzmann CtNe = 2.0 * (C1/atmos.temperature)**(-1.5) / total = np.ones(Nspace) pops = np.zeros((Nstage, Nspace)) pops[0, :] = 1.0 Uk = np.interp(atmos.temperature, self.Tpf,[0, :]) for i in range(1, Nstage): Ukp1 = np.interp(atmos.temperature, self.Tpf,[i, :]) pops[i, :] = pops[i-1, :] * CtNe * np.exp(Ukp1 - Uk - self.ionPot[i-1] \ / (Const.KBoltzmann * atmos.temperature)) total += pops[i] Ukp1, Uk = Uk, Ukp1 pops[0, :] = self.abundance * atmos.nHTot / total pops[1:,:] *= pops[0, :] return pops
[docs] def fjk(self, atmos: 'Atmosphere', k: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ''' Compute the fractional population of the species in each ionisation stage and partial derivative wrt n_e at one point in a given atmosphere. Parameters ---------- atmos : Atmosphere The atmosphere in which to compute the populations. k : int The spatial index at which to compute the populations Returns ------- fj : np.ndarray The fractional populations [Nstage]. dfj : np.ndarray The derivatives of the fractional populations [Nstage]. ''' Nspace: int = atmos.Nspace T: float = atmos.temperature[k] ne: float =[k] C1 = ((Const.HPlanck / (2.0 * np.pi * Const.MElectron)) * Const.HPlanck / Const.KBoltzmann) CtNe = 2.0 * (C1/T)**(-1.5) / ne Nstage: int = self.ionPot.shape[0] fjk = np.zeros(Nstage) fjk[0] = 1.0 dfjk = np.zeros(Nstage) # fjk: fractional population of stage j, at atmospheric index k # The first stage starts with a "population" of 1, then via Saha we # compute the relative populations of the other stages, before dividing # by the sum across these Uk: float = np.interp(T, self.Tpf,[0, :]) for j in range(1, Nstage): Ukp1: float = np.interp(T, self.Tpf,[j, :]) fjk[j] = fjk[j-1] * CtNe * np.exp(Ukp1 - Uk - self.ionPot[j-1] / (Const.KBoltzmann * T)) dfjk[j] = -j * fjk[j] / ne Uk = Ukp1 sumF = np.sum(fjk) sumDf = np.sum(dfjk) fjk /= sumF dfjk = (dfjk - fjk * sumDf) / sumF return fjk, dfjk
[docs] def fj(self, atmos: 'Atmosphere') -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ''' Compute the fractional population of the species in each ionisation stage and partial derivative wrt n_e for each location in a given atmosphere. Parameters ---------- atmos : Atmosphere The atmosphere in which to compute the populations. Returns ------- fj : np.ndarray The fractional populations [Nstage x Nspace]. dfj : np.ndarray The derivatives of the fractional populations [Nstage x Nspace]. ''' Nspace: int = atmos.Nspace T = atmos.temperature ne = C1 = ((Const.HPlanck / (2.0 * np.pi * Const.MElectron)) * Const.HPlanck / Const.KBoltzmann) CtNe = 2.0 * (C1/T)**(-1.5) / ne Nstage: int = self.ionPot.shape[0] fj = np.zeros((Nstage, Nspace)) fj[0, :] = 1.0 dfj = np.zeros((Nstage, Nspace)) # fjk: fractional population of stage j, at atmospheric index k # The first stage starts with a "population" of 1, then via Saha we # compute the relative populations of the other stages, before dividing # by the sum across these Uk = np.interp(T, self.Tpf,[0, :]) for j in range(1, Nstage): Ukp1 = np.interp(T, self.Tpf,[j, 0]) fj[j] = fj[j-1] * CtNe * np.exp(Ukp1 - Uk - self.ionPot[j-1] / (Const.KBoltzmann * T)) dfj[j] = -j * fj[j] / ne Uk[:] = Ukp1 sumF = np.sum(fj, axis=0) sumDf = np.sum(dfj, axis=0) fj /= sumF dfj = (dfj - fj * sumDf) / sumF return fj, dfj
[docs] class KuruczPfTable: ''' Container for all of the Kurucz partition function data, allowing different paths and AtomicAbundances to be used. Serves to construct the KuruczPf objects if used. Parameters ---------- atomicAbundance : AtomicAbundance, optional The abundance data to use, if non-standard. kuruczPfPath : str The path to the Kurucz parition function data in RH's XDR format, if non-standard. ''' def __init__(self, atomicAbundance: AtomicAbundance=None, kuruczPfPath: str=None): if atomicAbundance is None: atomicAbundance = DefaultAtomicAbundance self.atomicAbundance = atomicAbundance kuruczPfPath = get_data_path() + 'pf_Kurucz.input' if kuruczPfPath is None \ else kuruczPfPath with open(kuruczPfPath, 'rb') as f: s = u = Unpacker(s) # NOTE(cmo): Each of these terms is simply in flat lists indexed by Atomic Number Z-1 self.Tpf = np.array(u.unpack_array(u.unpack_double)) stages = [] pf = [] ionpot = [] for i in range(99): z = u.unpack_int() stages.append(u.unpack_int()) pf.append(np.array(u.unpack_farray(stages[-1] * self.Tpf.shape[0], u.unpack_double)).reshape(stages[-1], self.Tpf.shape[0])) ionpot.append(np.array(u.unpack_farray(stages[-1], u.unpack_double))) ionpot = [i * Const.HC / Const.CM_TO_M for i in ionpot] pf = [np.log(p) for p in pf] = pf self.ionpot = ionpot def __getitem__(self, x: Element) -> KuruczPf: ''' Used to construct the partition function object for the requested element. ''' if type(x) is Isotope: raise ValueError('Isotopes not supported by KuruczPf') zm = x.Z - 1 return KuruczPf(element=x, abundance=self.atomicAbundance[x], Tpf=self.Tpf,[zm], ionPot=self.ionpot[zm])