Source code for lightweaver.atomic_set

from copy import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union, cast

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from numba import njit
from scipy.linalg import solve
from scipy.optimize import newton_krylov

import lightweaver.constants as Const
from .atmosphere import Atmosphere
from .atomic_model import AtomicModel, LineType, element_sort
from .atomic_table import (AtomicAbundance, DefaultAtomicAbundance, Element,
                           KuruczPf, KuruczPfTable, PeriodicTable)
from .molecule import MolecularTable

def lte_pops_impl(temperature, ne, nTotal, stages, energies,
                  gs, nStar=None, debye=True, computeDiff=False):
    Nlevel = stages.shape[0]
    Nspace = ne.shape[0]
    c1 = ((Const.HPlanck / (2.0 * np.pi * Const.MElectron))
          * (Const.HPlanck / Const.KBoltzmann))

    c2 = 0.0
    nDebye = np.zeros(Nlevel)
    if debye:
        c2 = (np.sqrt(8.0 * np.pi / Const.KBoltzmann)
              * (Const.QElectron**2 / (4.0 * np.pi * Const.Epsilon0))**1.5)
        for i in range(1, Nlevel):
            stage = stages[i]
            Z = stage
            for m in range(1, stage - stages[0] + 1):
                nDebye[i] += Z
                Z += 1

    if nStar is None:
        nStar = np.empty((Nlevel, Nspace))

    if computeDiff:
        prev = np.empty(Nlevel)
    # NOTE(cmo): Will remain 0 and be returned as second return value if
    # computeDiff is not set to True
    maxDiff = 0.0

    # NOTE(cmo): For some reason this is consistently faster with these hoisted
    # from below, despite the allocations this causes
    dE = energies - energies[0]
    gi0 = gs / gs[0]
    dZ = stages - stages[0]

    for k in range(Nspace):
        if debye:
            dEion = c2 * np.sqrt(ne[k] / temperature[k])
            dEion = 0.0
        cNe_T = 0.5 * ne[k] * (c1 / temperature[k])**1.5
        total = 1.0
        if computeDiff:
            for i in range(Nlevel):
                prev[i] = nStar[i, k]
        for i in range(1, Nlevel):
            dE_kT = (dE[i] - nDebye[i] * dEion) / (Const.KBoltzmann * temperature[k])
            neFactor = cNe_T**dZ[i]

            nst = gi0[i] * np.exp(-dE_kT)
            nStar[i, k] = nst
            nStar[i, k] /= neFactor
            total += nStar[i, k]
        nStar[0, k] = nTotal[k] / total

        for i in range(1, Nlevel):
            nStar[i, k] *= nStar[0, k]

        if computeDiff:
            for i in range(Nlevel):
                maxDiff = max((nStar[i, k] - prev[i]) / nStar[i, k], maxDiff)

    return nStar, maxDiff

[docs] def lte_pops(atomicModel: AtomicModel, temperature: np.ndarray, ne: np.ndarray, nTotal: np.ndarray, nStar=None, debye: bool=True) -> np.ndarray: ''' Compute the LTE populations for a given atomic model under given thermodynamic conditions. Parameters ---------- atomicModel : AtomicModel The atomic model to consider. temperature : np.ndarray The temperature structure in the atmosphere. ne : np.ndarray The electron density in the atmosphere. nTotal : np.ndarray The total population of the species at each point in the atmosphere. nStar : np.ndarray, optional An optional array to store the result in. debye : bool, optional Whether to consider Debye shielding (default: True).1 Returns ------- ltePops : np.ndarray The ltePops for the species. ''' stages = np.array([l.stage for l in atomicModel.levels]) energies = np.array([l.E_SI for l in atomicModel.levels]) gs = np.array([l.g for l in atomicModel.levels]) return lte_pops_impl(temperature, ne, nTotal, stages, energies, gs, nStar=nStar, debye=debye)[0]
def update_lte_pops_inplace(atomicModel: AtomicModel, temperature: np.ndarray, ne: np.ndarray, nTotal: np.ndarray, nStar: np.ndarray, debye: bool=True) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float]: stages = np.array([l.stage for l in atomicModel.levels]) energies = np.array([l.E_SI for l in atomicModel.levels]) gs = np.array([l.g for l in atomicModel.levels]) return lte_pops_impl(temperature, ne, nTotal, stages, energies, gs, debye=debye, nStar=nStar, computeDiff=True) class LteNeIterator: def __init__(self, atoms: Iterable[AtomicModel], temperature: np.ndarray, nHTot: np.ndarray, abundance: AtomicAbundance, nlteStartingPops: Dict[Element, np.ndarray]): sortedAtoms = sorted(atoms, key=element_sort) self.nTotal = [abundance[a.element] * nHTot for a in sortedAtoms] self.stages = [np.array([l.stage for l in a.levels]) for a in sortedAtoms] self.temperature = temperature self.nHTot = nHTot self.sortedAtoms = sortedAtoms self.abundances = [abundance[a.element] for a in sortedAtoms] self.nlteStartingPops = nlteStartingPops def __call__(self, prevNeRatio: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: atomicPops = [] ne = np.zeros_like(prevNeRatio) prevNe = prevNeRatio * self.nHTot for i, a in enumerate(self.sortedAtoms): nStar = lte_pops(a, self.temperature, prevNe, self.nTotal[i], debye=True) atomicPops.append(AtomicState(model=a, abundance=self.abundances[i], nStar=nStar, nTotal=self.nTotal[i])) # NOTE(cmo): Take into account NLTE pops if provided if a.element in self.nlteStartingPops: if self.nlteStartingPops[a.element].shape != nStar.shape: raise ValueError(('Starting populations provided for %s ' 'do not match model.') % a.element) nStar = self.nlteStartingPops[a.element] ne += np.sum(nStar * self.stages[i][:, None], axis=0) self.atomicPops = atomicPops diff = (ne - prevNe) / self.nHTot return diff
[docs] @dataclass class SpectrumConfiguration: ''' Container for the configuration of common wavelength grid and species active at each wavelength. Attributes ---------- radSet : RadiativeSet The set of atoms involved in the creation of this simulation. wavelength : np.ndarray The common wavelength array used for this simulation. models : list of AtomicModel The models for the active and detailed static atoms present in this simulation. transWavelengths : Dict[(Element, i, j), np.ndarray] The local wavelength grid for each transition stored in a dictionary by transition ID. blueIdx : Dict[(Element, i, j), int] The index at which each local grid starts in the global wavelength array. redIdx : Dict[(Element, i, j), int] The index at which each local grid has ended in the global wavelength array (exclusive, i.e. transWavelength = globalWavelength[blueIdx:redIdx]). activeTrans : Dict[(Element, i, j), bool] Whether this transition is ever active (contributing in either an active or detailed static sense) over the range of wavelength. activeWavelengths : Dict[(Element, i, j), np.ndarray] A mask of the wavelengths at which this transition is active. Properties ---------- NprdTrans : int The number of PRD transitions present on the active transitions. ''' radSet: 'RadiativeSet' wavelength: np.ndarray models: List[AtomicModel] transWavelengths: Dict[Tuple[Element, int, int], np.ndarray] blueIdx: Dict[Tuple[Element, int, int], int] redIdx: Dict[Tuple[Element, int, int], int] activeTrans: Dict[Tuple[Element, int, int], bool] activeWavelengths: Dict[Tuple[Element, int, int], np.ndarray]
[docs] def subset_configuration(self, wavelengths) -> 'SpectrumConfiguration': ''' Computes a SpectrumConfiguration for a sub-region of the global wavelength array. This is typically used for computing a final formal solution on a single ray through the atmosphere. In this situation all lines are set to contribute throughout the entire grid, to avoid situations where small jumps in intensity occur from lines being cut off. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : np.ndarray The grid on which to produce the new SpectrumConfiguration. Returns ------- spectrumConfig : SpectrumConfiguration The subset spectrum configuration. ''' Nblue = np.searchsorted(self.wavelength, wavelengths[0]) Nred = min(np.searchsorted(self.wavelength, wavelengths[-1])+1, self.wavelength.shape[0]) Nwavelengths = wavelengths.shape[0] activeTrans = {k: bool(np.any(v[Nblue:Nred])) for k, v in self.activeWavelengths.items()} transGrids = {k: np.copy(wavelengths) for k, active in activeTrans.items() if active} activeWavelengths = {k: np.ones_like(wavelengths, dtype=bool) for k in transGrids} blueIdx = {k: 0 for k in transGrids} redIdx = {k: Nwavelengths for k in transGrids} def test_atom_active(atom: AtomicModel) -> bool: for t in atom.transitions: if activeTrans[t.transId]: return True return False models = [] for atom in self.models: if test_atom_active(atom): models.append(atom) return SpectrumConfiguration(radSet=self.radSet, wavelength=wavelengths, models=models, transWavelengths=transGrids, blueIdx=blueIdx, redIdx=redIdx, activeTrans=activeTrans, activeWavelengths=activeWavelengths)
@property def NprdTrans(self): try: return self._NprdTrans except AttributeError: count = 0 for element in self.radSet.activeSet: atom = self.radSet.atoms[element] for l in atom.lines: if l.type == LineType.PRD: count += 1 self._NprdTrans = count return count
[docs] @dataclass class AtomicState: ''' Container for the state of an atomic model during a simulation. This hold both the model, as well as the simulations properties such as abundance, populations and radiative rates. Attributes ---------- model : AtomicModel The python model of the atom. abundance : float The abundance of the species as a fraction of H abundance. nStar : np.ndarray The LTE populations of the species. nTotal : np.ndarray The total species population at each point in the atmosphere. detailed : bool Whether the species has detailed populations. pops : np.ndarray, optional The NLTE populations for the species, if detailed is True. radiativeRates: Dict[(int, int), np.ndarray], optional If detailed the radiative rates for the species will be present here, stored under (i, j) and (j, i) for each transition. ''' model: AtomicModel abundance: float nStar: np.ndarray nTotal: np.ndarray detailed: bool = False pops: Optional[np.ndarray] = None radiativeRates: Optional[Dict[Tuple[int, int], np.ndarray]] = None def __post_init__(self): if self.detailed: self.radiativeRates = {} ratesShape = self.nStar.shape[1:] for t in self.model.transitions: self.radiativeRates[(t.i, t.j)] = np.zeros(ratesShape) self.radiativeRates[(t.j, t.i)] = np.zeros(ratesShape) def __str__(self): s = 'AtomicState(%s)' % self.element return s def __hash__(self): # return hash(repr(self)) raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def dimensioned_view(self, shape): ''' Returns a view over the contents of AtomicState reshaped so all data has the correct (1/2/3D) dimensionality for the atmospheric model, as these are all stored under a flat scheme. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple The shape to reshape to, this can be obtained from Atmosphere.structure.dimensioned_shape Returns ------- state : AtomicState An instance of self with the arrays reshaped to the appropriate dimensionality. ''' state = copy(self) state.nStar = self.nStar.reshape(-1, *shape) state.nTotal = self.nTotal.reshape(shape) if self.pops is not None: state.pops = self.pops.reshape(-1, *shape) state.radiativeRates = {k: v.reshape(shape) for k, v in self.radiativeRates.items()} return state
[docs] def unit_view(self): ''' Returns a view over the contents of the AtomicState with the correct `astropy.units`. ''' state = copy(self) m3 = u.m**(-3) state.nStar = self.nStar << m3 state.nTotal = self.nTotal << m3 if self.pops is not None: state.pops = self.pops << m3 state.radiativeRates = {k: v << u.s**-1 for k, v in self.radiativeRates.items()} return state
[docs] def dimensioned_unit_view(self, shape): ''' Returns a view over the contents of AtomicState reshaped so all data has the correct (1/2/3D) dimensionality for the atmospheric model, and the correct `astropy.units`. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple The shape to reshape to, this can be obtained from Atmosphere.structure.dimensioned_shape Returns ------- state : AtomicState An instance of self with the arrays reshaped to the appropriate dimensionality. ''' state = self.dimensioned_view(shape) return state.unit_view()
[docs] def update_nTotal(self, atmos: Atmosphere): ''' Update nTotal assuming either the abundance or nHTot have changed. ''' self.nTotal[:] = self.abundance * atmos.nHTot # type: ignore
@property def element(self) -> Element: ''' The element associated with this model. ''' return self.model.element @property def mass(self) -> float: ''' The mass of the element associated with this model. ''' return self.element.mass @property def n(self) -> np.ndarray: ''' The NLTE populations, if present, or the LTE populations. ''' if self.pops is None: return self.nStar return self.pops @n.setter def n(self, val: np.ndarray): if val.shape != self.nStar.shape: raise ValueError(('Incorrect dimensions for population array, ' 'expected %s') % self.nStar.shape) self.pops = val @property def name(self) -> str: ''' The name of the element associated with this model. ''' return def fjk(self, atmos, k): # Nstage: int = (self.model.levels[-1].stage - self.model.levels[0].stage) + 1 Nstage: int = self.model.levels[-1].stage + 1 fjk = np.zeros(Nstage) # TODO(cmo): Proper derivative treatment dfjk = np.zeros(Nstage) for i, l in enumerate(self.model.levels): fjk[l.stage] += self.n[i, k] fjk /= self.nTotal[k] return fjk, dfjk def fj(self, atmos): Nstage: int = self.model.levels[-1].stage + 1 Nspace: int = atmos.Nspace fj = np.zeros((Nstage, Nspace)) # TODO(cmo): Proper derivative treatment dfj = np.zeros((Nstage, Nspace)) for i, l in enumerate(self.model.levels): fj[l.stage] += self.n[i] fj /= self.nTotal return fj, dfj
[docs] def set_n_to_lte(self): ''' Reset the NLTE populations to LTE. ''' if self.pops is not None: self.pops[:] = self.nStar
[docs] class AtomicStateTable: ''' Container for AtomicStates. The __getitem__ on this class is intended to be smart, and should work correctly with ints, strings, or Elements and return the associated AtomicState. This object is not normally constructed directly by the user, but will instead be interacted with as a means of transporting information to and from the backend. ''' def __init__(self, atoms: List[AtomicState]): self.atoms = {a.element: a for a in atoms} def __contains__(self, name: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], str, Element]) -> bool: try: x = PeriodicTable[name] return x in self.atoms except KeyError: return False def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.atoms) def __getitem__(self, name: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], str, Element]) -> AtomicState: x = PeriodicTable[name] return self.atoms[x] def __iter__(self): return iter(sorted(self.atoms.values(), key=element_sort))
[docs] def dimensioned_view(self, shape): ''' Returns a view over the contents of AtomicStateTable reshaped so all data has the correct (1/2/3D) dimensionality for the atmospheric model, as these are all stored under a flat scheme. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple The shape to reshape to, this can be obtained from Atmosphere.structure.dimensioned_shape Returns ------- state : AtomicStateTable An instance of self with the arrays reshaped to the appropriate dimensionality. ''' table = copy(self) table.atoms = {k: a.dimensioned_view(shape) for k, a in self.atoms.items()} return table
[docs] def unit_view(self): ''' Returns a view over the contents of the AtomicStateTable with the correct `astropy.units`. ''' table = copy(self) table.atoms = {k: a.unit_view() for k, a in self.atoms.items()} return table
[docs] def dimensioned_unit_view(self, shape): ''' Returns a view over the contents of AtomicStateTable reshaped so all data has the correct (1/2/3D) dimensionality for the atmospheric model, and the correct `astropy.units`. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple The shape to reshape to, this can be obtained from Atmosphere.structure.dimensioned_shape Returns ------- state : AtomicStateTable An instance of self with the arrays reshaped to the appropriate dimensionality. ''' table = self.dimensioned_view(shape) return table.unit_view()
[docs] @dataclass class SpeciesStateTable: ''' Container for the species populations in the simulation. Similar to AtomicStateTable but also holding the molecular populations and the atmosphere object. The __getitem__ is intended to be smart, returning in order of priority on the name match (int, str, Element), H- populations, molecular populations, NLTE atomic populations, LTE atomic populations. This object is not normally constructed directly by the user, but will instead be interacted with as a means of transporting information to and from the backend. Attributes ---------- atmosphere : Atmosphere The atmosphere object. abundance : AtomicAbundance The abundance of all species present in the atmosphere. atomicPops : AtomicStateTable The atomic populations state container. molecularTable : MolecularTable The molecules present in the simulation. molecularPops : list of np.ndarray The populations of each molecule in the molecularTable HminPops : np.ndarray H- ion populations throughout the atmosphere. ''' atmosphere: Atmosphere abundance: AtomicAbundance atomicPops: AtomicStateTable molecularTable: MolecularTable molecularPops: List[np.ndarray] HminPops: np.ndarray
[docs] def dimensioned_view(self): ''' Returns a view over the contents of SpeciesStateTable reshaped so all data has the correct (1/2/3D) dimensionality for the atmospheric model, as these are all stored under a flat scheme. ''' shape = self.atmosphere.structure.dimensioned_shape table = copy(self) table.atmosphere = self.atmosphere.dimensioned_view() table.atomicPops = self.atomicPops.dimensioned_view(shape) table.molecularPops = [m.reshape(shape) for m in self.molecularPops] table.HminPops = self.HminPops.reshape(shape) return table
[docs] def unit_view(self): ''' Returns a view over the contents of the SpeciesStateTable with the correct `astropy.units`. ''' table = copy(self) table.atmosphere = self.atmosphere.unit_view() table.atomicPops = self.atomicPops.unit_view() table.molecularPops = [(m << u.m**(-3)) for m in self.molecularPops] table.HminPops = self.HminPops << u.m**(-3) return table
[docs] def dimensioned_unit_view(self): ''' Returns a view over the contents of SpeciesStateTable reshaped so all data has the correct (1/2/3D) dimensionality for the atmospheric model, and the correct `astropy.units`. ''' table = self.dimensioned_view() return table.unit_view()
def __getitem__(self, name: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], str, Element]) -> np.ndarray: if isinstance(name, str) and name == 'H-': return self.HminPops if name in self.molecularTable: name = cast(str, name) key = self.molecularTable.indices[name] return self.molecularPops[key] if name in self.atomicPops: return self.atomicPops[name].n raise LookupError(f'Element defined by "{name}" not found.') def __contains__(self, name: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], str, Element]) -> bool: if name == 'H-': return True if name in self.molecularTable: return True if name in self.atomicPops: return True return False
[docs] def update_lte_atoms_Hmin_pops(self, atmos: Atmosphere, conserveCharge=False, updateTotals=False, maxIter=2000, quiet=False, tol=1e-3): ''' Under the assumption that the atmosphere has changed, update the LTE atomic populations and the H- populations. Parameters ---------- atmos : Atmosphere The atmosphere object. conserveCharge : bool Whether to conserveCharge and adjust the electron density in atmos based on the change in ionisation of the non-detailed species (default: False). updateTotals : bool, optional Whether to update the totals of each species from the abundance and total hydrogen density (default: False). maxIter : int, optional The maximum number of iterations to take looking for a stable solution (default: 2000). quiet : bool, optional Whether to print information about the update (default: False) tol : float, optional The tolerance of relative change at which to consider the populations converged (default: 1e-3) ''' if updateTotals: for atom in self.atomicPops: atom.update_nTotal(atmos) for i in range(maxIter): maxDiff = 0.0 maxName = '--' ne = np.zeros_like( diffs = [update_lte_pops_inplace(atom.model, atmos.temperature,, atom.nTotal, atom.nStar, debye=True)[1] for atom in self.atomicPops] for j, atom in enumerate(self.atomicPops): if conserveCharge: stages = np.array([l.stage for l in atom.model.levels]) if atom.pops is None: ne += np.sum(atom.nStar * stages[:, None], axis=0) else: ne += np.sum(atom.n * stages[:, None], axis=0) diff = diffs[j] if diff > maxDiff: maxDiff = diff maxName = if conserveCharge: ne[ne < 1e6] = 1e6[:] = ne if maxDiff < tol: if not quiet: print('LTE Iterations %d (%s slowest convergence)' % (i+1, maxName)) break else: raise ValueError('No convergence in LTE update') self.HminPops[:] = hminus_pops(atmos, self.atomicPops['H'])
[docs] class RadiativeSet: ''' Used to configure the atomic models present in the simulation and then set up the global wavelength grid and initial populations. All atoms start passive. Parameters ---------- atoms : list of AtomicModel The atomic models to be used in the simulation (active, detailed, and background). abundance : AtomicAbundance, optional The abundance to be used for each species. Attributes ---------- abundance : AtomicAbundance The abundances in use. elements : list of Elements The elements present in the simulation. atoms : Dict[Element, AtomicModel] Mapping from Element to associated model. passiveSet : set of Elements Set of atoms (designmated by their Elements) set to passive in the simulation. detailedStaticSet : set of Elements Set of atoms (designmated by their Elements) set to "detailed static" in the simulation. activeSet : set of Elements Set of atoms (designmated by their Elements) set to active in the simulation. ''' def __init__(self, atoms: List[AtomicModel], abundance: AtomicAbundance=DefaultAtomicAbundance): self.abundance = abundance self.elements = [a.element for a in atoms] self.atoms = {k: v for k, v in zip(self.elements, atoms)} self.passiveSet = set(self.elements) self.detailedStaticSet: Set[Element] = set() self.activeSet: Set[Element] = set() if len(self.passiveSet) > len(self.elements): raise ValueError('Multiple entries for an atom: %s' % self.atoms) def __contains__(self, x: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], str, Element]) -> bool: return PeriodicTable[x] in self.elements
[docs] def is_active(self, name: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], str, Element]) -> bool: ''' Check if an atom (designated by int, (int, int), str, or Element) is active. ''' x = PeriodicTable[name] return x in self.activeSet
[docs] def is_passive(self, name: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], str, Element]) -> bool: ''' Check if an atom (designated by int, (int, int), str, or Element) is passive. ''' x = PeriodicTable[name] return x in self.passiveSet
[docs] def is_detailed(self, name: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], str, Element]) -> bool: ''' Check if an atom (designated by int, (int, int), str, or Element) is passive. ''' x = PeriodicTable[name] return x in self.detailedStaticSet
@property def activeAtoms(self) -> List[AtomicModel]: ''' List of AtomicModels set to active. ''' activeAtoms : List[AtomicModel] = [self.atoms[e] for e in self.activeSet] activeAtoms = sorted(activeAtoms, key=element_sort) return activeAtoms @property def detailedAtoms(self) -> List[AtomicModel]: ''' List of AtomicModels set to detailed static. ''' detailedAtoms : List[AtomicModel] = [self.atoms[e] for e in self.detailedStaticSet] detailedAtoms = sorted(detailedAtoms, key=element_sort) return detailedAtoms @property def passiveAtoms(self) -> List[AtomicModel]: ''' List of AtomicModels set to passive. ''' passiveAtoms : List[AtomicModel] = [self.atoms[e] for e in self.passiveSet] passiveAtoms = sorted(passiveAtoms, key=element_sort) return passiveAtoms def __getitem__(self, name: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], str, Element]) -> AtomicModel: x = PeriodicTable[name] return self.atoms[x] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.atoms.values())
[docs] def set_active(self, *args: str): ''' Set one (or multiple) atoms active. ''' names = set(args) xs = [PeriodicTable[name] for name in names] for x in xs: self.activeSet.add(x) self.detailedStaticSet.discard(x) self.passiveSet.discard(x)
[docs] def set_detailed_static(self, *args: str): ''' Set one (or multiple) atoms to detailed static ''' names = set(args) xs = [PeriodicTable[name] for name in names] for x in xs: self.detailedStaticSet.add(x) self.activeSet.discard(x) self.passiveSet.discard(x)
[docs] def set_passive(self, *args: str): ''' Set one (or multiple) atoms passive. ''' names = set(args) xs = [PeriodicTable[name] for name in names] for x in xs: self.passiveSet.add(x) self.activeSet.discard(x) self.detailedStaticSet.discard(x)
[docs] def iterate_lte_ne_eq_pops(self, atmos: Atmosphere, mols: Optional[MolecularTable]=None, nlteStartingPops: Optional[Dict[Element, np.ndarray]]=None, direct: bool=False, quiet: bool=False) -> SpeciesStateTable: ''' Compute the starting populations for the simulation with all NLTE atoms in LTE or otherwise using the provided populations. Additionally computes a self-consistent LTE electron density. Parameters ---------- atmos : Atmosphere The atmosphere for which to compute the populations. mols : MolecularTable, optional Molecules to be included in the populations (default: None) nlteStartingPops : Dict[Element, np.ndarray], optional Starting population override for any active or detailed static species. direct : bool Whether to use the direct electron density solver (essentially, Lambda iteration for the fixpoint), this may require many more iterations than the Newton-Krylov solver used otherwise, but may also be more robust. quiet : bool, optional Whether to print convergence info (default: True). Returns ------- eqPops : SpeciesStatTable The configured initial populations. ''' if mols is None: mols = MolecularTable([]) if nlteStartingPops is None: nlteStartingPops = {} else: for e in nlteStartingPops: if (e not in self.activeSet) \ and (e not in self.detailedStaticSet): raise ValueError(('Provided NLTE Populations for %s assumed LTE. ' 'Ensure these are indexed by `Element` ' 'rather than str.') % e) if direct: maxIter = 3000 prevNe = np.copy( ne = np.copy( atoms = sorted(self.atoms.values(), key=element_sort) for it in range(maxIter): atomicPops = [] prevNe[:] = ne ne.fill(0.0) for a in atoms: abund = self.abundance[a.element] nTotal = abund * atmos.nHTot nStar = lte_pops(a, atmos.temperature,, nTotal, debye=True) atomicPops.append(AtomicState(model=a, abundance=abund, nStar=nStar, nTotal=nTotal)) # NOTE(cmo): Take into account NLTE pops if provided if a.element in nlteStartingPops: if nlteStartingPops[a.element].shape != nStar.shape: raise ValueError(('Starting populations provided for %s ' 'do not match model.') % a.element) nStar = nlteStartingPops[a.element] stages = np.array([l.stage for l in a.levels]) ne += np.sum(nStar * stages[:, None], axis=0)[:] = ne relDiff = np.nanmax(np.abs(1.0 - prevNe / ne)) maxRelDiff = np.nanmax(relDiff) if maxRelDiff < 1e-3: if not quiet: print("Iterate LTE: %d iterations" % it) break else: raise ValueError("LTE ne failed to converge") else: neRatio = np.copy( / atmos.nHTot iterator = LteNeIterator(self.atoms.values(), atmos.temperature, atmos.nHTot, self.abundance, nlteStartingPops) neRatio += iterator(neRatio) newNeRatio = newton_krylov(iterator, neRatio)[:] = newNeRatio * atmos.nHTot atomicPops = iterator.atomicPops detailedAtomicPops = [] for pop in atomicPops: ele = pop.model.element if ele in self.passiveSet: if ele in nlteStartingPops: # NOTE(cmo): I don't believe this is possible; it would need # to be detailed_static as per the contract on passive atoms # being "true" LTE. Leaving for now for safety. pop.n = np.copy(nlteStartingPops[ele]) detailedAtomicPops.append(pop) else: nltePops = np.copy(nlteStartingPops[ele]) if ele in nlteStartingPops \ else np.copy(pop.nStar) detailedAtomicPops.append(AtomicState(model=pop.model, abundance=self.abundance[ele], nStar=pop.nStar, nTotal=pop.nTotal, detailed=True, pops=nltePops)) table = AtomicStateTable(detailedAtomicPops) eqPops = chemical_equilibrium_fixed_ne(atmos, mols, table, self.abundance, quiet=quiet) # NOTE(cmo): This is technically not quite correct, because we adjust # nTotal and the atomic populations to account for the atoms bound up # in molecules, but not n_e, this is unlikely to make much difference # in reality, other than in very cool atmospheres with a lot of # molecules (even then it should be pretty tiny) return eqPops
[docs] def compute_eq_pops(self, atmos: Atmosphere, mols: Optional[MolecularTable]=None, nlteStartingPops: Optional[Dict[Element, np.ndarray]]=None): ''' Compute the starting populations for the simulation with all NLTE atoms in LTE or otherwise using the provided populations. Parameters ---------- atmos : Atmosphere The atmosphere for which to compute the populations. mols : MolecularTable, optional Molecules to be included in the populations (default: None) nlteStartingPops : Dict[Element, np.ndarray], optional Starting population override for any active or detailed static species. Returns ------- eqPops : SpeciesStatTable The configured initial populations. ''' if mols is None: mols = MolecularTable([]) if nlteStartingPops is None: nlteStartingPops = {} else: for e in nlteStartingPops: if (e not in self.activeSet) \ and (e not in self.detailedStaticSet): raise ValueError(('Provided NLTE Populations for %s assumed LTE. ' 'Ensure these are indexed by `Element` ' 'rather than str.') % e) atomicPops = [] atoms = sorted(self.atoms.values(), key=element_sort) for a in atoms: nTotal = self.abundance[a.element] * atmos.nHTot nStar = lte_pops(a, atmos.temperature,, nTotal, debye=True) ele = a.element if ele in self.passiveSet: n = None atomicPops.append(AtomicState(model=a, abundance=self.abundance[ele], nStar=nStar, nTotal=nTotal, pops=n)) else: nltePops = np.copy(nlteStartingPops[ele]) if ele in nlteStartingPops \ else np.copy(nStar) atomicPops.append(AtomicState(model=a, abundance=self.abundance[ele], nStar=nStar, nTotal=nTotal, detailed=True, pops=nltePops)) table = AtomicStateTable(atomicPops) eqPops = chemical_equilibrium_fixed_ne(atmos, mols, table, self.abundance) # NOTE(cmo): This is technically not quite correct, because we adjust # nTotal and the atomic populations to account for the atoms bound up # in molecules, but not n_e, this is unlikely to make much difference # in reality, other than in very cool atmospheres with a lot of # molecules (even then it should be pretty tiny) return eqPops
[docs] def compute_wavelength_grid(self, extraWavelengths: Optional[np.ndarray]=None, lambdaReference=500.0) -> SpectrumConfiguration: ''' Compute the global wavelength grid from the current configuration of the RadiativeSet. Parameters ---------- extraWavelengths : np.ndarray, optional Extra wavelengths to add to the global array [nm]. lambdaReference : float, optional If a difference reference wavelength is to be used then it should be specified here to ensure it is in the global array. Returns ------- spect : SpectrumConfiguration The configured wavelength grids needed to set up the backend. ''' if len(self.activeSet) == 0 and len(self.detailedStaticSet) == 0: raise ValueError('Need at least one atom active or in detailed' ' calculation with static populations.') extraGrids = [] if extraWavelengths is not None: extraGrids.append(extraWavelengths) extraGrids.append(np.array([lambdaReference])) models: List[AtomicModel] = [] ids: List[Tuple[Element, int, int]] = [] grids = [] for ele in (self.activeSet | self.detailedStaticSet): atom = self.atoms[ele] models.append(atom) for trans in atom.transitions: grids.append(trans.wavelength()) ids.append(trans.transId) grid = np.concatenate(grids + extraGrids) grid = np.sort(grid) grid = np.unique(grid) # grid = np.unique(np.floor(1e10*grid)) / 1e10 blueIdx = {} redIdx = {} for i, g in enumerate(grids): ident = ids[i] blueIdx[ident] = np.searchsorted(grid, g[0]) redIdx[ident] = np.searchsorted(grid, g[-1])+1 transGrids: Dict[Tuple[Element, int, int], np.ndarray] = {} for ident in ids: transGrids[ident] = np.copy(grid[blueIdx[ident]:redIdx[ident]]) activeWavelengths = {k: ((grid >= v[0]) & (grid <= v[-1])) for k, v in transGrids.items()} activeTrans = {k: True for k in transGrids} return SpectrumConfiguration(radSet=self, wavelength=grid, models=models, transWavelengths=transGrids, blueIdx=blueIdx, redIdx=redIdx, activeTrans=activeTrans, activeWavelengths=activeWavelengths)
[docs] def hminus_pops(atmos: Atmosphere, hPops: AtomicState) -> np.ndarray: ''' Compute the H- ion populations for a given atmosphere Parameters ---------- atmos : Atmosphere The atmosphere object. hPops : AtomicState The hydrogen populations state associated with atmos. Returns ------- HminPops : np.ndarray The H- populations. ''' CI = (Const.HPlanck / (2.0 * np.pi * Const.MElectron)) * (Const.HPlanck / Const.KBoltzmann) Nspace = atmos.Nspace PhiHmin = 0.25 * (CI / atmos.temperature)**1.5 \ * np.exp(Const.E_ION_HMIN / (Const.KBoltzmann * atmos.temperature)) HminPops = * np.sum(hPops.n, axis=0) * PhiHmin return HminPops
[docs] def chemical_equilibrium_fixed_ne(atmos: Atmosphere, molecules: MolecularTable, atomicPops: AtomicStateTable, abundance: AtomicAbundance, quiet: bool = False) -> SpeciesStateTable: ''' Compute the molecular populations from the current atmospheric model and atomic populations. This method assumes that the number of electrons bound in molecules is insignificant, and neglects this. Intended for internal use. Parameters ---------- atmos : Atmosphere The model atmosphere of the simulation. molecules : MolecularTable The molecules to consider. atomicPops : AtomicStateTable The atomic populations. abundance : AtomicAbundance The abundance of each species in the simulation. quiet : bool, optional Whether to print convergence info (default: True). Returns ------- state : SpeciesState The combined state object of atomic and molecular populations. ''' nucleiSet: Set[Element] = set() for mol in molecules: nucleiSet |= set(mol.elements) nuclei: List[Element] = list(nucleiSet) nuclei = sorted(nuclei) if len(nuclei) == 0: HminPops = hminus_pops(atmos, atomicPops['H']) result = SpeciesStateTable(atmos, abundance, atomicPops, molecules, [], HminPops) return result if nuclei[0] != PeriodicTable[1]: raise ValueError('H not list of nuclei -- check H2 molecule') # print([ for n in nuclei]) nuclIndex = [[nuclei.index(ele) for ele in mol.elements] for mol in molecules] # Replace basic elements with full Models if present kuruczTable = KuruczPfTable(atomicAbundance=abundance) nucData: Dict[Element, Union[KuruczPf, AtomicState]] = {} for nuc in nuclei: if nuc in atomicPops: nucData[nuc] = atomicPops[nuc] else: nucData[nuc] = kuruczTable[nuc] Nnuclei = len(nuclei) Neqn = Nnuclei + len(molecules) f = np.zeros(Neqn) n = np.zeros(Neqn) df = np.zeros((Neqn, Neqn)) a = np.zeros(Neqn) # Equilibrium constant per molecule Phi = np.zeros(len(molecules)) # Neutral fraction fn0 = np.zeros(Nnuclei) CI = (Const.HPlanck / (2.0 * np.pi * Const.MElectron)) * (Const.HPlanck / Const.KBoltzmann) Nspace = atmos.Nspace HminPops = np.zeros(Nspace) molPops = [np.zeros(Nspace) for mol in molecules] maxIter = 0 for k in range(Nspace): for i, nuc in enumerate(nuclei): nucleus = nucData[nuc] a[i] = nucleus.abundance * atmos.nHTot[k] fjk, dfjk = nucleus.fjk(atmos, k) fn0[i] = fjk[0] PhiHmin = 0.25 * (CI / atmos.temperature[k])**1.5 \ * np.exp(Const.E_ION_HMIN / (Const.KBoltzmann * atmos.temperature[k])) fHmin =[k] * fn0[0] * PhiHmin # Eq constant for each molecule at this location for i, mol in enumerate(molecules): Phi[i] = mol.equilibrium_constant(atmos.temperature[k]) # Setup initial solution. Everything dissociated # n[:Nnuclei] = a[:Nnuclei] # n[Nnuclei:] = 0.0 n[:] = a[:] # print('a', a) nIter = 1 NmaxIter = 50 IterLimit = 1e-3 prevN = n.copy() while nIter < NmaxIter: # print(k, ',', nIter) # Save previous solution prevN[:] = n[:] # Set up iteration f[:] = n - a df[:, :] = 0.0 np.fill_diagonal(df, 1.0) # Add nHmin to number conservation for H f[0] += fHmin * n[0] df[0, 0] += fHmin # Fill population vector f and derivative matrix df for i, mol in enumerate(molecules): saha = Phi[i] for j, ele in enumerate(mol.elements): nu = nuclIndex[i][j] saha *= (fn0[nu] * n[nu])**mol.elementCount[j] # Contribution to conservation for each nucleus in this molecule f[nu] += mol.elementCount[j] * n[Nnuclei + i] saha /=[k]**mol.charge f[Nnuclei + i] -= saha # if Nnuclei + i == f.shape[0]-1: # print(i) # print(saha) # Compute derivative matrix for j, ele in enumerate(mol.elements): nu = nuclIndex[i][j] df[nu, Nnuclei + i] += mol.elementCount[j] df[Nnuclei + i, nu] = -saha * (mol.elementCount[j] / n[nu]) correction = solve(df, f) n -= correction dnMax = np.nanmax(np.abs(1.0 - prevN / n)) if dnMax <= IterLimit: maxIter = max(maxIter, nIter) break nIter += 1 if dnMax > IterLimit: raise ValueError(('ChemEq iteration not converged: T: %e [K],' ' density %e [m^-3], dnmax %e') % (atmos.temperature[k], atmos.nHTot[k], dnMax)) for i, ele in enumerate(nuclei): if ele in atomicPops: atomPop = atomicPops[ele] fraction = n[i] / atomPop.nTotal[k] atomPop.nStar[:, k] *= fraction atomPop.nTotal[k] *= fraction if atomPop.pops is not None: atomPop.pops[:, k] *= fraction HminPops[k] =[k] * n[0] * PhiHmin for i, pop in enumerate(molPops): pop[k] = n[Nnuclei + i] result = SpeciesStateTable(atmos, abundance, atomicPops, molecules, molPops, HminPops) if not quiet: print("chem_eq: maximum number of iterations taken: %d" % maxIter) return result